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Monday, 28 March 2011
Sejarah Ahmadiyah
Ahmadiyah itu memang ada dua kelompok yakni Qadian dan Lahore, namun keduanya memiliki perbedaan prinsip terkait 'kenabian' Miza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908)," katanya, hari ini.
Ia mengemukakan hal itu menanggapi serangkaian aksi kekerasan yang dialami Jamiyah Ahmadiyah di Jawa Barat, termasuk peristiwa di Pandeglang, Banten, yang menewaskan empat orang pada 6 Februari 2011.
Menurut Nur Syam yang juga Rektor IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya itu, Ahmadiyah Lahore tidak seekstrem Ahmadiyah Qadian, karena Ahmadiyah Lahore hanya menganggap Mirza sebagai "mujaddid" (pembaharu).
"Dalam disertasi yang pernah saya uji tentang Ahmadiyah menunjukkan Ahmadiyah Qadian itu meyakini Mirza sebagai nabi, sedangkan Ahmadiyah Lahore menganggap Mirza sebatas mujaddid, imam, atau wali," katanya.
Oleh karena itu, ia meminta pemerintah untuk menyelesaikan persoalan Ahmadiyah dengan melarang Ahmadiyah Qadian, karena mereka merupakan kelompok yang jauh menyimpang dari ajaran Islam. "Kedua kelompok Ahmadiyah itu sama-sama berkembang di Indonesia, yakni Ahmadiyah Qadian yang berpusat di Bogor (Jabar) dan Ahmadiyah Lahore yang berpusat di Yogyakarta," katanya.
Dari sejarah perkembangan Ahmadiyah itu, katanya, dapat ditelusuri adanya "persoalan" Ahmadiyah yang selalu bermula dari Jawa Barat, karena di sana merupakan pusat dari Ahmadiyah Qadian. "Saya sendiri sepakat bila Ahmadiyah dapat dianggap sebagai bagian dari agama Islam, asalkan mereka memandang Mirza bukan nabi, karena Islam mengajarkan Muhammad SAW adalah nabi terakhir," katanya.
Oleh karena itu, Ahmadiyah Qadian yang menganggap Mirza sebagai nabi harus dilarang, karena mereka sudah masuk wilayah penodaan agama. "Penodaan agama, kebebasan beragama, dan kekerasan bernuansa agama adalah tiga hal yang berbeda, karena penodaan agama itu merusak agama yang sudah ada, sedangkan kebebasan beragama itu terkait dengan agama yang baru atau berbeda," katanya.
Sementara kekerasan bernuansa agama itu justru tidak diajarkan oleh agama apapun, sebab kekerasan dengan dalih apapun akan memunculkan siklus kekerasan, sehingga kekerasan harus diperangi.
Sebelumnya (9/2), Ketua MUI Jatim KH Abdusshomad Buchory meminta pemerintah untuk melarang Ahmadiyah, karena MUI telah menetapkan Ahmadiyah sebagai aliran sesat sejak tahun 1980 dan ditegaskan kembali pada fatwa MUI yang dikeluarkan tahun 2005. "Di Pakistan, Ahmadiyah Lahore dan Qadian hanya dibolehkan menjadi agama baru, sedangkan di Malaysia dan Brunei Darussalam sudah ditetapkan sebagai aliran yang dilarang," katanya.
Ia mengemukakan hal itu menanggapi serangkaian aksi kekerasan yang dialami Jamiyah Ahmadiyah di Jawa Barat, termasuk peristiwa di Pandeglang, Banten, yang menewaskan empat orang pada 6 Februari 2011.
Menurut Nur Syam yang juga Rektor IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya itu, Ahmadiyah Lahore tidak seekstrem Ahmadiyah Qadian, karena Ahmadiyah Lahore hanya menganggap Mirza sebagai "mujaddid" (pembaharu).
"Dalam disertasi yang pernah saya uji tentang Ahmadiyah menunjukkan Ahmadiyah Qadian itu meyakini Mirza sebagai nabi, sedangkan Ahmadiyah Lahore menganggap Mirza sebatas mujaddid, imam, atau wali," katanya.
Oleh karena itu, ia meminta pemerintah untuk menyelesaikan persoalan Ahmadiyah dengan melarang Ahmadiyah Qadian, karena mereka merupakan kelompok yang jauh menyimpang dari ajaran Islam. "Kedua kelompok Ahmadiyah itu sama-sama berkembang di Indonesia, yakni Ahmadiyah Qadian yang berpusat di Bogor (Jabar) dan Ahmadiyah Lahore yang berpusat di Yogyakarta," katanya.
Dari sejarah perkembangan Ahmadiyah itu, katanya, dapat ditelusuri adanya "persoalan" Ahmadiyah yang selalu bermula dari Jawa Barat, karena di sana merupakan pusat dari Ahmadiyah Qadian. "Saya sendiri sepakat bila Ahmadiyah dapat dianggap sebagai bagian dari agama Islam, asalkan mereka memandang Mirza bukan nabi, karena Islam mengajarkan Muhammad SAW adalah nabi terakhir," katanya.
Oleh karena itu, Ahmadiyah Qadian yang menganggap Mirza sebagai nabi harus dilarang, karena mereka sudah masuk wilayah penodaan agama. "Penodaan agama, kebebasan beragama, dan kekerasan bernuansa agama adalah tiga hal yang berbeda, karena penodaan agama itu merusak agama yang sudah ada, sedangkan kebebasan beragama itu terkait dengan agama yang baru atau berbeda," katanya.
Sementara kekerasan bernuansa agama itu justru tidak diajarkan oleh agama apapun, sebab kekerasan dengan dalih apapun akan memunculkan siklus kekerasan, sehingga kekerasan harus diperangi.
Sebelumnya (9/2), Ketua MUI Jatim KH Abdusshomad Buchory meminta pemerintah untuk melarang Ahmadiyah, karena MUI telah menetapkan Ahmadiyah sebagai aliran sesat sejak tahun 1980 dan ditegaskan kembali pada fatwa MUI yang dikeluarkan tahun 2005. "Di Pakistan, Ahmadiyah Lahore dan Qadian hanya dibolehkan menjadi agama baru, sedangkan di Malaysia dan Brunei Darussalam sudah ditetapkan sebagai aliran yang dilarang," katanya.
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
Kaaba History
Kaaba was originally built by Adam and later the son of Adam, Syist, continue. When the flood of Noah, the Kaaba participate destroyed and God ordered Abraham to rebuild. Al-Hafiz Ibn Kathir notes Imaduddin history comes from the people of the Book (Children of Israel), not from the Prophet Muhammad.
Abraham built the Kaaba was damaged during the reign of Amaliq tribes. Kaaba rebuilt according to designs made by Abraham without any additions or reductions. When controlled by tribes Jurhum, Kaaba also suffered damage and was rebuilt with raised foundations. The door leaf is made of two and locked.
In the Kilab son Qusai, Black Stone had lost children were taken by Nizar bin Mudhar and planted on a hill. Qusai was the first person from the Quraish who manages the Kaaba after the Prophet Abraham. During this Qusai, high Kaaba plus to 25 feet and given a roof. After the Black Stone is found, then kept by Qusai, to the Kaaba by Quraish controlled at the time of Prophet Muhammad.
Prophet Muhammad helped pair the Black Stone was at the proper place.
From the time of Prophet Ibrahim Quraishi counted down to the people there are 2645 years old. During the Quraish, there are women who burned incense to scent the Kaaba. Kiswah Kaaba was burnt so that also damaged the building the Kaaba. Then, there were also floods which also adds damage to the Kaaba. The events of this fire that allegedly make the color Black Stone which was originally white to black surface.
To rebuild the Ka'bah, the Quraysh bought secondhand timber ship stranded at the port of Jeddah, the ship owned by the Rum. Timber ship was then used to roof the Kaaba and the three pillars of the Kaaba. Kaaba pillar of this ship carrying timber used to 65 H. Pieces pillars are also stored in the museum.
Forty-nine years after the Holy Prophet (who died in 632 AD or the year 11 Hijri), the Kaaba is also on fire. It happened when the army of Syria invaded Mecca in 681 AD, namely in the ruler Abdullah bin Az-Zubair, Abu Bakr's grandson, who is also cousin Ayesha.
Fires at this time resulted in the Black Stone with a diameter of 30 cm was split into three.
To rebuild, like previous times, the Kaaba was destroyed first. Abdullah AzZubair built the Kaaba with two doors. A door near the Black Stone, one more door near the corner of Pillars Yamani, straight to the door near the Black Stone. Abdullah bin Az-Zubair attach it with pieces of the Black Stone was given a silver holder. Installed today are eight small fraction Black Stone mixed with wax material, kasturi, and amber.
Number of fractional Black Stone estimated to reach 50 points.
In 693 AD, Hajjaj ibn Yusuf Ath-Taqafi sent a letter to the Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan (fifth caliph of the Umayyad caliphate which began to be in 692 AD), told that Abdullah bin Az-Zubair to make two doors to the Kaaba and enter Hijir Ismail into the building the Kaaba.
Hajjaj want to restore the Kaaba as the Quraish; one door and Hijir Ismail outside the building the Kaaba. So, by Hajjaj, the second door - located on the west near the Pillars of Yamani - closed back and Hijir Ismail restored, ie, outside the building the Kaaba.
However, the Caliph Abdul Malik later regret after knowing the Kaaba in the Abdullah bin AzZubair builds upon the hadith Aisha. In the next period, the Caliph Harun al-Rashid wanted to restore the building similar to that built the Kaaba Abdullah bin Az-Zubair because in accordance with the wishes of the Prophet.
However, Imam Malik advised him to not make the Kaaba as a building that is always modified according to the will of any leader. If that happens, according to Imam Malik, will lose his greatness in the hearts of the believers.
In 1630 AD, the Kaaba is damaged due to flood hit. Sultan Murad Khan IV to rebuild, according to Hajjaj bin Yusuf buildings to survive 400 years old in the reign of Sultan Abdul Abdul Aziz. Sultan is starting the first project of widening the Grand Mosque.
Manuscripts in the Museum's replica is stored is also a replica of the Ottoman Manuscripts Quran recitation, sura and verse composition, and the number of the sura and the verse is used as a guide until now. Which differ only form letters.
At the time of Caliph Uthman ibn Affan (35 H) made the standardization of writing the Koran. In those days, sahabatsahabat Prophet has Manuscripts are different from each other, both in terms of reading, the composition of the suras and verses, as well as the number of suras and verses.
Manuscripts owned by Ibn Mas'ud, for example, do not include Letters AlFatihah and composition of different letters. The sixth is not a Surah Surah Al-An'am, but Surah Yunus.
Abraham built the Kaaba was damaged during the reign of Amaliq tribes. Kaaba rebuilt according to designs made by Abraham without any additions or reductions. When controlled by tribes Jurhum, Kaaba also suffered damage and was rebuilt with raised foundations. The door leaf is made of two and locked.
In the Kilab son Qusai, Black Stone had lost children were taken by Nizar bin Mudhar and planted on a hill. Qusai was the first person from the Quraish who manages the Kaaba after the Prophet Abraham. During this Qusai, high Kaaba plus to 25 feet and given a roof. After the Black Stone is found, then kept by Qusai, to the Kaaba by Quraish controlled at the time of Prophet Muhammad.
Prophet Muhammad helped pair the Black Stone was at the proper place.
From the time of Prophet Ibrahim Quraishi counted down to the people there are 2645 years old. During the Quraish, there are women who burned incense to scent the Kaaba. Kiswah Kaaba was burnt so that also damaged the building the Kaaba. Then, there were also floods which also adds damage to the Kaaba. The events of this fire that allegedly make the color Black Stone which was originally white to black surface.
To rebuild the Ka'bah, the Quraysh bought secondhand timber ship stranded at the port of Jeddah, the ship owned by the Rum. Timber ship was then used to roof the Kaaba and the three pillars of the Kaaba. Kaaba pillar of this ship carrying timber used to 65 H. Pieces pillars are also stored in the museum.
Forty-nine years after the Holy Prophet (who died in 632 AD or the year 11 Hijri), the Kaaba is also on fire. It happened when the army of Syria invaded Mecca in 681 AD, namely in the ruler Abdullah bin Az-Zubair, Abu Bakr's grandson, who is also cousin Ayesha.
Fires at this time resulted in the Black Stone with a diameter of 30 cm was split into three.
To rebuild, like previous times, the Kaaba was destroyed first. Abdullah AzZubair built the Kaaba with two doors. A door near the Black Stone, one more door near the corner of Pillars Yamani, straight to the door near the Black Stone. Abdullah bin Az-Zubair attach it with pieces of the Black Stone was given a silver holder. Installed today are eight small fraction Black Stone mixed with wax material, kasturi, and amber.
Number of fractional Black Stone estimated to reach 50 points.
In 693 AD, Hajjaj ibn Yusuf Ath-Taqafi sent a letter to the Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan (fifth caliph of the Umayyad caliphate which began to be in 692 AD), told that Abdullah bin Az-Zubair to make two doors to the Kaaba and enter Hijir Ismail into the building the Kaaba.
Hajjaj want to restore the Kaaba as the Quraish; one door and Hijir Ismail outside the building the Kaaba. So, by Hajjaj, the second door - located on the west near the Pillars of Yamani - closed back and Hijir Ismail restored, ie, outside the building the Kaaba.
However, the Caliph Abdul Malik later regret after knowing the Kaaba in the Abdullah bin AzZubair builds upon the hadith Aisha. In the next period, the Caliph Harun al-Rashid wanted to restore the building similar to that built the Kaaba Abdullah bin Az-Zubair because in accordance with the wishes of the Prophet.
However, Imam Malik advised him to not make the Kaaba as a building that is always modified according to the will of any leader. If that happens, according to Imam Malik, will lose his greatness in the hearts of the believers.
In 1630 AD, the Kaaba is damaged due to flood hit. Sultan Murad Khan IV to rebuild, according to Hajjaj bin Yusuf buildings to survive 400 years old in the reign of Sultan Abdul Abdul Aziz. Sultan is starting the first project of widening the Grand Mosque.
Manuscripts in the Museum's replica is stored is also a replica of the Ottoman Manuscripts Quran recitation, sura and verse composition, and the number of the sura and the verse is used as a guide until now. Which differ only form letters.
At the time of Caliph Uthman ibn Affan (35 H) made the standardization of writing the Koran. In those days, sahabatsahabat Prophet has Manuscripts are different from each other, both in terms of reading, the composition of the suras and verses, as well as the number of suras and verses.
Manuscripts owned by Ibn Mas'ud, for example, do not include Letters AlFatihah and composition of different letters. The sixth is not a Surah Surah Al-An'am, but Surah Yunus.
Thursday, 10 March 2011
how to perform ablutions and prayers execute
Jurisprudence cleric also explained the wisdom of ablution as part of an effort to maintain the physical and spiritual cleanliness. Washed in water areas such as hand-washing, the face including the mouth, and feet are most in contact with foreign objects, including dirt. Therefore, it is natural that the area should be washed, because the disease often attacks the skin usually exposed skin surface and are rarely cleaned, like on the sidelines of the fingers, feet, neck, behind the ears, and others. Therefore, Mochtar Salem give advice to members of the exposed body always washed or cleaned by using waterafter that we do pray five wektu of sunset, isa, dawn, duhur, and that's ashar obligation for Muslims
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Monday, 7 March 2011
place of worship for Muslims
this is the mosques where Muslims gather to perform prayers in congregation worship or prayer itself. either from small children to the elderly,
Sunday, 6 March 2011
A drop of pure water
A drop of pure water is picture proof that humans were created holy and clean, but where he grew up bening.akan lingkunganlah who educate us whether Christian, Islamic, or even human perinsipnya yahudi.Pada it comes from one parent is the Prophet Adam and Siti hawa
Saturday, 5 March 2011
Great Mosque of Demak
Great Mosque is the largest mosque in Semarang in Central Java and has a dome that if at the time of Pana or rain can give shade to people around the mosque.
In the Great Mosque of Demak environment have a number of historical heritage objects, such as Saka shavings, Dhampar Kencana, Saka Majapahit, and Maksurah. In addition, there is also a mosque within the tomb complex of the sultans of Demak and the servant, which is divided into four sections
Kasepuhan tomb, which consists of 18 tombs, including the tomb of the Sultan of Demak I (Raden Fatah) and their wives and his sons, the Sultan of Demak II (Raden Pati Unus) and Prince Sedo Lepen (Raden Surowiyoto), and the tomb of the son of Raden Fatah, Duke Eggplant (Raden Husayn).
In the Great Mosque of Demak environment have a number of historical heritage objects, such as Saka shavings, Dhampar Kencana, Saka Majapahit, and Maksurah. In addition, there is also a mosque within the tomb complex of the sultans of Demak and the servant, which is divided into four sections
Kasepuhan tomb, which consists of 18 tombs, including the tomb of the Sultan of Demak I (Raden Fatah) and their wives and his sons, the Sultan of Demak II (Raden Pati Unus) and Prince Sedo Lepen (Raden Surowiyoto), and the tomb of the son of Raden Fatah, Duke Eggplant (Raden Husayn).
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