Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Convey Although Only One Verse

Azraq bin Qais ra said that one day there was a priest of Najran along with his followers came to the Prophet. When the Prophet explained to them about Islam, they said: "We are also Muslims, long before you." The Prophet replied, "You lied because there are really three of you as opposed to the teachings of Islam are you menisbatkan a child to God, you guys eat pork and you worship idols." They then asked, "Who was Jesus father?". The Apostle did not immediately respond because God awaiting instructions. Then came the third verse. " (Hadiths Shohih, according to Judge, Bukhari and Muslim).
"That (the story of` Isa), we read to you some of the evidence (ministry) and (recite) the Quran, full of Wisdom. Lo instance (creation), `Isa in Allah's sight is like the (creation) of Adam. God created Adam from dust, then God said to him: "Be" (a man), he cometh .. (What have we told them), that's true, that comes from your Lord, so do not be among those who doubt. "(Imraan Imran (3): 58-60).
The above hadith indicates that at least there are three criteria that can be used as a measure of Islam or not a person. The main thing is to Allah the One God. This is the teaching of Tawhid.
So far, the Western (Christian) used to categorize the three major world religions are Christianity, Judaism and Islam as monotheistic doctrine. Subjects who also got a nickname of divine religions (religion sky) is considered more 'modern' and height compared to Polytheism old doctrine adopted by many ancient civilizations. Polytheism is the doctrine that assumes that God is more than one. While monotheism is the belief that God's teachings that there is only one.
An intriguing question indeed, how could the Christians could claim that their teachings were teachings of monotheism. While they still think God is three, God has a son, God the father of a child of God, Three in one or any similar term.
"The Jews say: Ezra is the son of God" and the Christians say: Messiah is the son of God. " Such is their saying with their mouths, they imitate the infidels saying earlier. Nati con `Allah is on them: how they got turned away?" (QS.At-Taubah (9): 30)
While Islam strongly condemns such recognition. Allah is the One, Single. He did not have children and not begotten. Nothing like it, there is no accompanying it.
"Say:" He is Allah, the Almighty. God is the God who depend on Him all things. He's also no litter and no begotten and none is equal to Him ". (QS.Al-Ikhlas (112) :1-4).
Back to the hadith above. Christian priests at the time of the Prophet claimed that they were Muslims even before Islam came. What are these priests? Why do they say so? What is a Muslim by them?
Muslims come from the word meaning surrender Salama. It means surrendering to the command of Allah Almighty the Almighty, the Creator who created heaven, earth and everything in between. The prophets and messengers sent by the Creator with the mission, tasks and main responsibilities are the same worship to Him only with no partners to Him with anything. The people here are so-called 'Muslim'.
So if the priests claim that they are Muslims while they continue to say Jesus (Isa) as children of God, is it appropriate as they call themselves Muslims?
"Indeed, there has disbelievers who say: 'Allah is the Messiah son of Mary", whereas The Messiah (himself) said: "O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord," Verily, those who ascribe (something to) Allah, then surely Allah forbid him Paradise, and his place is hell, is not there for people that do wrong helper. Surely those disbelievers who say: "Behold, God one of the three", although occasionally there is no God (which is entitled to worship) other than the One God. If they are not stopped from what they say that, certainly those who disbelieve among them a painful torment will be overwritten. "(QS.Al-anymore (5) :72-73).
"And when Jesus knew their disavowal (Bani Israel), he said:" Who will be my helpers to (enforce) Allah? "The disciples (loyal friends) said:" We are helpers (religion) of Allah. We believe in Allah, and bear witness that we are indeed Muslims (the surrender). " (Imraan Imran (3): 52).
Is Ibrahim. Apostle of God is often referred to as the father of the prophets. Abraham had two wives. The first is Sarah. Rahimnyalah born prophet of peace Isaac, Jacob as the father of prophets. Prophet Jacob, who has another name Israel is the Jewish forefathers. Jacob was born from the line of prophets, including Joseph aces, Musa, as David, Solomon axles, axles and Yahya Isa.
Meanwhile, Siti Hajar, the second wife gave birth to the prophet Ibrahim Ismail aces. From this line of birth that is the only prophet Muhammad is the prophet and apostle of the cover. Muhammad who was sent convey the Koran holy book this came about six centuries after the death of Isa.
"And (remember) when his Lord tested Abraham with a few sentences (commands and prohibitions), and Abraham fulfilled. He said: "Behold, I will make you a priest to the whole man." He said: "(And I beg you, too) from my offspring." He said: "Promise Me (This) is not about those who do wrong". (QS.Al-Baqarah (2): 124)
Funny thing is, Jews and Christians each claim that Abraham is their religion.
"O People of the Book, why do ye dispute about Abraham, when the Torah and the Gospel were not revealed till after him. Do not you think? Here you are, you are (reasonably) argue argue about who you know, then why do ye dispute about the things you do not know?; Allah knows and ye know not. Abraham was not a Jew and not (also) a Christian, but he was a straight-again Muslims (surrender to God) and once he was not included among those polytheists. "(Imraan Imran (3): 65-67).
"And saying that Ibrahim had bequeathed to his children, so O` qub. (He said): "O my sons! Indeed, Allah has chosen this religion for you, ye shall die except in Islam ". (QS.Al-Baqarah (2): 132)
Allah sent the prophets and messengers with the mission and main tasks of the same, ie purifying worship to Him. Remind people that believe in the existence of God the One and submit to Him, that is to become a Muslim.
"Say:" We believe in Allah and to what is revealed unto us and revealed to Abraham, Isma `il, Ishaq, Ya` qub, and her children, and what was given to Moses and Jesus and the prophets of God them. We make no distinction's one difference between them and unto Him we surrender. '(Imraan Imran (3): 84).
Similarly, Musa prophet who is sent to the Jewish people by bringing the Torah, the prophet of peace by bringing the gospel of Jesus warned the Jews not to manipulate and conceal some of the verses of the Torah. While the prophet Muhammad as a prophet sent by express closing Karim Al-Quranul perfected the previous books to all the people at the end of time.
The prophets and messengers were sent to convey this in addition to the revelations of Allah are also assigned to teach, to explain at once exemplifies how the application of these verses. Humans this option is a role model and an exemplary example for all the people who go. Allah Almighty says: "Ta` atilah Allah and His Messenger. "
"Say:" Ta `atilah Allah and His Messenger, if ye turn back, Allah loveth not the disbelievers." (Imraan Imran (3): 32).
"And ta` atilah Allah and His Messenger, that ye may receive mercy ". (Imraan Imran (3): 132).
"People of Noah rejected the messengers. When their brother (Noah) said to them: "Why would you not be cautious? Actually I was a Messenger of trust (which was sent) to you then fear Allah and obey me ". (Obligatory upon Syuara (26) :105-108).
"When their brother Hud said to them:" Why would you not be cautious? Actually I was a Messenger of trust (which was sent) to you then fear Allah, and ta `atlah to me." (Obligatory upon Syuara (26) :124-126).
"When their brother Saleh, said to them:" Why would you not be cautious? Actually I was a Messenger of trust (which was sent) to you then fear Allah and obey me. " (Obligatory upon Syuara (26) :142-144).
"And when Jesus came to bring the information he said:" Verily I come unto you with wisdom and to explain to you some of what you differ about it, so fear Allah and obey (to) me ". (QS.Zukhruf (43): 63).
"O ye who believe (to the apostles), fear Allah and to believe in His Messenger, Allah gives His grace to you in two parts, and make you a light with the light you can walk and He forgives you. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful, "(QS.Al-Hadid (57): 28).
In addition to command-Esa it, it turns out God is also telling people to perform prayers. From the Hadith we learn that the people of the prophet Moses was ordered to perform 50 times a day prayers. In fact it seems the order prayed with particular movements that rose has God taught long ago. Similarly, the command zakat, fasting and even went to the temple pilgrimage in Mecca.
"O Mary, ta` atlah to your Lord, prostrating and bowing `is with people who are bowing` ". (Imraan Imran (3): 43).
"Verily, the home originally built for the (place of worship) of human, is the House that at Bakkah (Mecca) blessed and a guidance for all mankind. Him there are real signs, (in between) maqam Ibrahim; whoever entered it (the House) to amanlah him pilgrims is a human obligation to God, that is (for) people who can afford a trip to the House; Whoever denies (liabilities haji ), Allah is Rich (do not need anything else) from the Worlds. (Imraan Imran (3): 96-97).
"That was a people who have passed away for him what you earned and what you have earned and you will not be asked questions about what coverage they have done." (QS.Al-Baqarah (2): 141).
So God says about Muslims through the verses preceding the Qur'an Noble. So it is our duty as Muslims, the last generation of Muslims who have the honor to receive the holy verses of the Quran through the intercession of the Prophet Muhammad to be His apostles obeyed this ummi.
"Say:" O mankind! I was the messenger of Allah unto you all, that is the God who has dominion of the heavens and the earth there is no god (the right to worship) besides Him, the turning on and off, so believe in Allah and his Prophet, Prophet ummi who believe in Allah and to His sentences (his books) and follow it, that ye may be guided. (QS.Al-Araf (7): 158).
And really lucky the true friends who faithfully adhere to, maintain and protect Rasullullah in various wars that have recorded all the actions and words of the Apostle. Until we are thus living 15 centuries after the death of the Prophet can still adhere to, emulate and imitate how the Prophet as Allah commands Muslims execute ... Allah akbar!
"Those closest to Abraham are those who followed him and this Prophet (Muhammad), and those who believe (to Muhammad), and Allah is the Protector of all those who believe." (Imraan Imran (3): 68).
"Indeed there has been at the (self) that the Messenger of Allah a good role model for you (that is) for those who expect (grace) of God and the (arrival) Day of Resurrection, and he was much mention of God." (QS.Al-Ahzab (33): 21 )
"Say: O People of the Book, let (adhere) to a sentence (decision) that there is no disagreement between us and you, that we do not worship except Allah and we do not associate him with nothing and not (also) some of us make the most of the others as lords besides Allah. If they turn back, say ye: "Bear witness that we are Muslims (who submit to Allah)." (Imraan Imran (3): 64).
"So if they find another religion from the religion of Allah, when unto Him surrender all things in heaven and on earth, whether by love or forced, and they returned only to God." (Imraan Imran (3): 83).
"Surely the religion (which approves) in Allah's sight is Islam. There is no dispute that people have been given the Book, except after knowledge came to them, because of envy (existing) between them. Anyone who disbelieve the revelations of Allah, Allah is swift at reckoning. "(Imraan Imran (3): 19).