Glory trail PEOPLE IN THE ISLAMIC WORLD HISTORY stage history of struggle of Muslims in the civilized world stage lasts very long approximately 13 centuries, ie since the time of the Prophet leadership in Madienah (622-632M); Rashidun Daulat Period (632-661M); Daulat Umayyad Period (661-750M) and Daulat Abbasid Period (750-1258 AD) until the fall of the caliphate of the Ottoman Empire on 28 Rajab 1342 H or to coincide with the date March 3, 1924 AD, where periods of peak golden glory, and many bore many Muslim scientists caliber which has been incised international works of remarkable and beneficial to mankind that occurred during approximately 700 years, starting from the sixth century AD to 12th century AD During this period, the control of world civilization in the hands of Muslims.
At the time of the Islamic civilization berjayanya search spirit of science is very strong in everyday life. Search the spirit of science evolved into an intellectual tradition has historically started from the understanding (tafaqquh) against the Qur'an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad which was then understood, interpreted and developed by the Companions, Successors, tabi 'Successors and the scholars who came later with reference to the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad.
RASULULLOH ERA SAW (622-632M) AND PERIOD Daulat first four caliphs (632-661 AD)
Prophet Muhammed's success in building the Islamic civilization unequaled in history achieved within a period of 23 years, 13 years of preparation steps on the Mecca period (Makiyyah) and 10-year period Madienah (Madaniyah). 23-year period is a time span of less than one generation, where he has successfully Saw hold power over the nations older at the time, especially the Roman civilization, Persia and Egypt.
A scientist named Dr. French thought. Gustave Le Bone says:
"In a century or three offspring, there is no human nations can make meaningful change. 30 descendants of the French nation or 1000 require the new year can be entered into a society that bercelup France. This is contained in all nations and people, is no exception other than Muslims, since Mohammed El-Apostle already be entered into a new society within one offspring (23 years) that can not be duplicated or done by others. "
Muhammed apostolic period at the end of the period is the peak Madienah (culmination) of Islamic civilization, because that's where the Islamic system perfected and enforced in society, nation and state.
"This day have I perfected your religion for you, and I have both ends meet My favor unto you, and have been Ku-Islam is a religion ridhai for you." (Surat al-anymore paragraph 3).
Generation time is the best generation as Allah Ta'ala says: "You are the best people are born to humans, sent to the ma'ruf, and prevents it from being munkar, and faith in Allah." (Surah Ali Imran verse 110).