Saturday, 10 July 2010

Kabatulloh located medina

Kabah is situated in the city including the wonders of the world's medina, a country full of blessed gathering place for the worldwide Islamic religious pilgrimage

Islamic history is the first time in Indonesia

Islamic history is the first time in IndonesiaDemak empire or the first Islamic kingdom in Java. The kingdom was founded by Raden Patah (1478-1518) in 1478, Raden fracture is the kingdom of Majapahit nobility who served as the duke duchy Bintara, Demak. Prestige of the empire was acquired from Walisanga, which consists of nine people great scholars, preachers of the earliest Muslim island of Java.
For the assistance of other areas that had already embraced Islam as Jepara, Tuban and Gresik, Raden broken as the duke of Islam in Demak decide ties with Majapahit at the time, the Majapahit was in the middle of a very weak condition. With that proclamation, declare independence Radeh Broken Demak and took the title of Sultan Alam Shah Akbar.
In the early 14th century, Lu Yan Emperor of the Ming Dynasty in China sent a daughter to the king of the Majapahit UB V, as a sign of friendship the two countries. Beautiful daughter, and this smart soon gained a special place in the hearts of kings. UB King is subject to all the will of the princess's beauty, to bring a lot of opposition in the palace majapahit. Because the princess has berakidah tawhid. At that time, UB was a consort coming from Champa (now Cambodia), are still relatives of the King of Champa


HISTORY OF ISLAM IN INDONESIA, In the year 30 Hijri or 651 AD, only about 20 years ago of the Prophet's death, the Caliph Uthman ibn Affan RA to send a delegation to China to introduce Islamic Daulah recently stood. In a journey which took four years, the delegates turned out to Uthman had stopped at the islands of the archipelago. Several years later, in 674 AD, the Umayyad dynasty established a trading base on the west coast of Sumatra. This is the first introduction to Islam in the Indonesian population. Since then, Muslim sailors and traders continued to arrive, century after century. They buy agricultural produce from the land of green nan this while preaching.

Islami History

History of Islamic history when the prophet Muhammad left the crowd and retreated to a cave Hirao, where the prophet Muhammad received a revelation