Monday, 1 November 2010

Dyinamics of islam

The dynamics of Islamic history by the development of Islam from the early period of its appearance until now, has been recorded in the history of the world. Various important events that happened to give color to the development of human life, especially in Islamic syiar.
The year 570 AD Prophet Muhammad was born in Mecca, a city that is very important and famous in the Arabian Peninsula at that time. Prophet Muhammad originated from the Bani Hashim, the noblest tribes of the Quraysh tribe who dominated Arab society. Year of birth of Prophet Muhammad was known as the "Year of the Elephant", because it coincided with the arrival of troops led by Abraha's elephant (royal governor in Yemen, Ethiopia) invaded Mecca to destroy the Ka'bah and Religious centers move to his country.
Year 611 AD By the age of 40 years, the Prophet Muhammad are often solitary and long vigil at the Cave of Hira. On 17 Ramadan 11 SH / August 6 611, the Angel Gabriel came and delivered the first revelation from Almighty Allag to Muhammad: "Read with (call) the name of your Lord, the Creator ..." (Qur'an 96:1-5). With that first revelation, Muhammad was chosen as an apostle of Allah SWT.
Year 615 AD First Hijrah. Propagation is done by the Prophet Muhammad received a lot of obstacles from the inhabitants and rulers of Mecca. Atrocities committed against the Muslims that the Prophet Muhammad encouraged to evacuate his companions outside Mecca. with careful consideration, in the fifth year apostolate, the Prophet Muhammad set Abessinia (Ethiopia) as a country where emigrate.
Year 620 AD In the 10th year of his prophethood, Prophet Muhammad's Ascension of the Prophet experienced events. Isra is a journey of the Prophet Mosque (Mecca) to Masjidilaksa (Jerusalem), while the Ascension is a journey of Masjidilaksa to Sidratulmuntaha in seventh heaven. Ascension of the Prophet there being serialized in a single night in the company of Angel Gabriel. Core Prayer Ascension of the Prophet is a command that received the Prophet Muhammad in Sidratulmuntaha. As scholars have argued that the conduct Ascension of the Prophet is the spirit of the Prophet Muhammad, not the body. Others argue in part Ascension of the Prophet carried out with the body and spirit, not in a dream.
Year 622 AD Because of the cruel treatment of the Quraish against the Muslims in Mecca, the Prophet immediately ordered his companions and followers to migrate to Yathrib (later called Madinaturrasul). After Prophet arrived and accepted people of Madinah, the Prophet Muhammad became the leader of the city. He laid the foundations of a solid life, among others, by setting the Charter of Medina for the formation of a new society which is called the "state of Medina." With the formation of the state of Medina, Islam is growing stronger
Year 622 AD Hijri year, the early Islamic era. Hijrah era since the beginning of the Prophet Muhammad migrated to Medina in 622 AD Determination of Hijri year is determined by the Caliph Omar back in 17 H/638 M to hear suggestions of friends. Of the various proposals that emerged, Umar accepted the proposal Ali bin Abi Talib who raise event from Mekan Prophet migrated to Medina as the beginning of Islam. The reason, migration is a dividing point between the Mecca and Medina period, and is the largest momentum in the struggle of the Prophet Muhammad spread Islam
Year 624 AD Top of dissension among the Muslims of Medina and the Quraysh polytheists marked by war, on 17 Ramadan 2 H/624 M that occur in Wadi Badr, 125 km south of Medina. This war is known as the Battle of Badr.
Year 625 AD The war erupted on Mount Uhud and called the battle of Uhud. This war caused by the desire of revenge the idolaters of Quraish of Mecca who lost the Battle of Badr. Muslim troops initially succeeded in making the army of Quraysh retreated, but due to negligence of the Muslim army, behind the attack that makes the Islamic forces pinned so that Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib who was nicknamed the "Lion of God" was killed.
627 Years Trench War or the War Azhab (Ahzab, ally) occurred in the month of Shawwal 5 H/627 M. This is a war between Muslims and Jews who allied with the Quraysh and other tribes to fight the Prophet Muhammad and his followers. This war called the War Ditch (Ditch: ditch) as it relates to the strategy of the Muslims who dig trenches on the plains of northwestern city of Medina to impede the advance of the enemy.

Monday, 25 October 2010

Indonesia natural beauty

ndonesia natural beauty, the history of the spread of Islam in Indonesia, at the time of the guardian songo belio spreading islam up and down the hill which covers not terhitung.Berkat firm belief that they spread the religion, especially the land of Java most agam islam, mountain high menculah not be a barrier to the guardian.........

Thursday, 21 October 2010

History of Islam

History of Islam the days of time of the prophet who spread the religion of Islam is only the prophet Muhammad, other prophets only menagajarkan of Tawheed, after the prophet was born muhamamad sky, moon, stars, and living creatures happy to welcome the birth of the prophet akhiru times

Thursday, 14 October 2010

The history of the struggle of Islam in the land of central java

History of Islamic struggle in the land of central java. Age of Java land formerly populated predominantly Hindu, Buddhist beliefs with amemisme and dynamism, after coming Walisongo island of Java that belief changed with syareat Islam. Walisongo that there are nine guardians who mesyiarkan teaching our first islam.yang discuss> 1: Sunan holy / raden jafar Sodiq.EVEN the name of Sunan Kudus, he was not the original Ghost. He comes from Jipang Panolan (some say in the north Blora), is 25 miles to the west of the city of Kudus, Central Java. That's where he was born, and named Ja'far Shodiq. He was the son of the marriage or Sunan Sunan Undung Ngudung (Raden Usman Haji) with Syarifah, grandson of Sunan Ampel. During his prime, Sultan Undung renowned as a formidable warlords.
At one time, Sunan Undung killed in a battle between Demak and Majapahit. After that, Ja'far Shodiq succeed his father. Its main task is to conquer territory to expand power of the Majapahit Kingdom of Demak. In fact, Ja'far Shodiq great proven on the battlefield, not least with the mastery of his father.
Ja'far Shodiq successfully developed a region Kingdom of Demak, the eastern reaches of Madura, and westward to Cirebon. This success then led to a variety of supernatural powers stories Ja'far Shodiq. For example, before the war, Ja'far Shodiq given Badong - a kind of vest - by Sunan Gunung Jati. Badong is carried around the arena of war.
From the magic Badong then out millions of mice, which also proved powerful. If beaten, the rats were not dead, even the more raging uncontrollably. Majapahit troops fear ran helter-skelter. He also had a chest, which can spend millions of wasps. Many soldiers who were killed Majapahit wasp sting.
To be sure, squad leader of Majapahit, Duke Eggplant, Ja'far Shodiq surrendered to troops. After the war, Ja'far Shodiq married the daughter of the Duke of eggplant, which subsequently produced eight children. During his life, Ja'far Shodiq itself also has another wife, among others, daughter of Sunan Bonang, which produced one child.
Successful defeat of Majapahit make Ja'far Shodiq increasingly strong position. He got a job Handayaningrat continued to beat Duke, which intends to treason against the Kingdom of Demak. Duke is a title that carried Handayaningrat Kebo Kenanga, local authorities Pengging - Boyolali region - and beyond.
Kebo Kenanga intends to establish its own state with Ki Ageng Tingkir. This couple is a follower of Sheikh Siti Jenar, a teacher who teaches life Sufi model. Kebo Kenanga and Tingkir arms described as brothers who love each other like siblings.
The signs of insubordination Kebo Kenanga more obvious when he refused to face the King of Demak, Duke Officer, or better known as Raden Patah. The letter calls made Raden Patah abandoned until three years by Kebo Kenanga. So, Raden Patah decided to break that insubordination Kebo Kenanga.
Raden Patah ordered Ja'far Shodiq''reduce''Kebo Kenanga. In a fight, Kebo Kenanga killed. However, the greatness Ja'far Shodiq as warlords eventually subside. In fact, before his move to the Holy, Ja'far Shodiq no longer a warlord, but a prince mosque in Demak.
There are several versions of the departure of Ja'far Shodiq of Demak. There is a possibility, Ja'far Shodiq quarrels with the King of Demak. Another possibility, Ja'far Shodiq quarrels with Sunan Kalijaga. In Fibre Kandha mentioned, Ja'far Shodiq have pupil, Prince Prawata. Later, Prince Prawata Sunan Kalijaga as it recognizes the new teacher.
For Ja'far Shodiq, Prince Prawata lawless since it recognized two teachers at once. When the Prince became King of Demak Prawata, Ja'far Shodiq decides to kill him, through the hands of Aryan Penangsang, which no other of the younger brother Prawata. Presumably, Arya Penangsang not have the heart, then he also told other people again, who named Rangkud.
Prince Prawata eventually killed along with his wife, after being stabbed Rangkud. Prawata corpse leaning into the body of his wife, as both a sword pierced. Rangkud also died. Because, unexpectedly, before the final exhale, Prawata could throw a dagger into the body Rangkud Bethok Kiai.
Another version says, Ja'far Shodiq Demak leaving for personal reasons alone. He wants to live independent and devoted his whole life for the sake of Islam. Not yet clear when exactly Ja'far Shodiq arrived in the Holy. H.J. De Graaf and T.H. Pigeaud in his book, the first Islamic kingdom in Java, try to collect some notes about the activities of Ja'far Shodiq there.
Both researchers said, when Ja'far Shodiq set foot in the Holy, the city was still named Tajug. According to local residents, who at first developed city is Kiai Telingsing Tajug. There is mention, Telingsing a simple call to The Ling Sing, a Chinese Muslim.
This story shows that the city had already evolved before the arrival of Ja'far Shodiq. Some stories said to believe that Ja'far Shodiq is the prince who turned aside from the Kingdom of Demak. In Tajug, Ja'far Shodiq initially lived in the middle of pilgrims in small groups. It has been suggested, Ja'far Shodiq pilgrims it is the students who brought from Demak.
They are at once the soldiers who joined together to fight Ja'far Shodiq Majapahit. Another version says, his followers it was a local resident who was hired to work the land Ja'far Shodiq fields. This could be interpreted that Ja'far Shodiq early life of farm work income.
After the congregation more and more, Ja'far Shodiq then build a mosque as a place of worship and a center spread of religion. Places of worship which is believed to be built by Ja'far Shodiq is Minaret Mosque, which is still standing. Name Ja'far Shodiq recorded in inscriptions mosque.
According to records there, this mosque was founded in 956 AH, is equal to 1549 AD. The inscriptions are in Arabic phrase which means,''... Having established this Aqsa mosque in the country Quds ...'' It is clear that Ja'far Shodiq named as al-Aqsa mosque, the equivalent of Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.
City Tajug also got a new name, the Quds, which later turned into a Ghost. In the end, Ja'far Shodiq itself better known as Sunan Kudus. In spreading his religion, the Holy Sunan Sunan Kalijaga follow style, ie using a''model''tutwuri handayani. That is, the Holy Sunan not take the fight head-on, but rather directs the community little by little.
At that time, society is still dominated by adherents of the Hindu Holy. Thus, the Holy Sunan tried integrating them into the habit of Islamic law to be smooth. For example, instead of the Holy Sunan slaughtering buffalo, not cattle, on the feast of Eid al-Qurban. That is part of the Holy Sunan tribute to the Hindu followers.
Sympathetic way it makes the followers of other religions to Islam are willing to listen to lectures from Sunan Kudus. Surat Al-Baqarah, which in Arabic means cattle, often read by Sunan Kudus to attract more listeners. Development of the Holy Mosque itself does not leave the elements of Hindu architecture. Form of the tower still remains Hindu style architecture.
Among the legacy he is the Grand Mosque in the Holy, which became known as the Mosque Minaret. Therefore there are mosques in the courtyard of a beautiful ancient tower. Regarding the origins of the Holy name according to the story (legend) who live among the local people is that once the Holy Sunan ever gone on the pilgrimage while studying in Arab lands, then he also taught there. At one time, in the land of Arabs is said to be contagious a disease outbreak threatening, the disease becomes abated thanks to Sunan Kudus. Therefore, an amir there willing to give a gift to him. But he refused, just a memento of a stone which he requested. The rock he came from the city of Baitul Makdis, or Jerusalem, then as a warning to the city where Ja'far Sodiq life and living, then given the name Holy.
Even the tower located in front of the mosque itself also became known as the Ghost Tower. Regarding the name of this Holy Ghost or Al in the book The Encyclopedia of Islam, among others, stated: "Al kuds the usual arabic name for Jerusalem, in later times, the olders writers commonly call it the temple of al Makdis (According to Some: mukaddas), with really meant the Temple (of Solomon), a translation of the hebrew bethamikdath, but it Because applied to the whole town. "
Another unique habit of preaching is the Holy Sunan drum event cormorant, a activities waiting for the coming month of Ramadhan. To invite the pilgrims to the mosque, the Holy Sunan pounding drum beat. After the pilgrims gathered at the mosque, the Holy Sunan announced when exactly the first day of fasting.
Today, the event dandangan still ongoing, but it was far from original. By Ramadan, many people came to the mosque area. However, they are not going to listen to the announcement of the beginning of fasting, just to buy various juadah who peddled seasonal traders.
He died and was buried in the west of Jami Masjid of the Holy. If people see other towers of the Holy Mosque is very strange and artistic it must be immediately thought of the founders of Sunan Kudus.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

History of Islamic struggle

History of Islamic struggle that used to be very heavy, compared to today's old pad is not familiar with religion, religion is considered an instance of ancestor worship idols, sun, moon and stars, after terlahirnya terahir prophets teach the true teachings of Islam menyrembah god, not idols, stars, moon and matahari.Perjuangan belio in aid of the loyal friend mendapingi shar Islam. In times of war to maintain the temple with the Jewish prophets in the auxiliary army troops elephant, and bird behavior, petempuran eventually was won by the prophet and his companions

Thursday, 30 September 2010

Masjid AL Haram

Masjid AL haram dilihat dari atas begitu indah pada saat umat muslim menunakan ibadah haji berjuta -juta orang berkumpul

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

City of Mecca had existed since the time of Abraham and Ishmael

When Ishmael, son of Abraham died, his son called Nabit given the task of a leader and ruler of the Ka'aba, then the task is followed by Mudzadz bin Amr al-Jurhumi. Ismail offspring and offspring with their grandfather Nabit Mudzadz bin Amr and uncles from their mother's side of Jurhum, and Qatura offspring, which is a cousin Jurhum, that time is a resident of Mecca. Meraka come from the land of Yemen, and travel together into the land of Mecca. .... Then multiply the descendants of Ishmael God in Mecca.

Madinah City

IN Medina City there are many historic relics of Black Stone, the tomb of the Prophet, hills and Jabal Nur, cave hydro, In madina exactly Kabatuloh entire Muslim population of the world begging for forgiveness and salvation hereafter

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Saturday, 18 September 2010

Islamic history a whole lot left completely

Islamic history a whole lot left completely undamaged namely al Quan and al Hadith, both are holding the people living Muslims, the Quran was revealed in rohmadon, mostly Muslims multiply rohmadon month of worship, prayer and worship dhohir sir berkeinginnan that to expect the divine blessing . all the people from the west end sampaai muslimim east end of the fasting morning run, evening prayer service menjalnkan teraweh, tadarus Quran, drikir, and reproduce the charity.

History of Islam need to be revealed with honesty.

Muslims are now awaiting the presence of Islamic civilization which have occurred during khufaur rosyidin until the time the Ottoman caliph. With the shortage and excess in those days. The civilization of Islam triumphed over 10 years less than the range of 19 government government.
But since the western imperialism take care of the Muslims, the Islamic civilization vanished without a trace. West of true civilization grew up and was influenced by Islam deny all that. Implication Muslims colonized by all aspects of life.

Tuesday, 31 August 2010


A history of his claim that good person is generous, but there is more good to those who are happy to stone other people in trouble, even though that person in difficult circumstances, hozali priest once said: 2nya as good as people are people who know other people in the sense of distress others like petrified hulafah age of the Islamic rosidin kehidupanya respect the Jewish or Christian; the human life in those days there was no pertikain peaceful and war.

Monday, 16 August 2010

Historical development of Islam

Historical development of Islam during the Prophet Adam to Prophet Muhammad PBUH is the new religion of Islam emerged as taught by the prophet Muhammad, at the time Islam reached the triumph of Islam is very advanced developments in the field of politics, science and technology, and on the basis of al Quran and Hadith makes united arab nations into the fight kemungkaran habit in those days a lot of drunken carousing, and worship idols, do arbitrary, already after the birth of the prophet's habit changed into the habit of duty to Allah swt.

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Convey Although Only One Verse

Azraq bin Qais ra said that one day there was a priest of Najran along with his followers came to the Prophet. When the Prophet explained to them about Islam, they said: "We are also Muslims, long before you." The Prophet replied, "You lied because there are really three of you as opposed to the teachings of Islam are you menisbatkan a child to God, you guys eat pork and you worship idols." They then asked, "Who was Jesus father?". The Apostle did not immediately respond because God awaiting instructions. Then came the third verse. " (Hadiths Shohih, according to Judge, Bukhari and Muslim).
"That (the story of` Isa), we read to you some of the evidence (ministry) and (recite) the Quran, full of Wisdom. Lo instance (creation), `Isa in Allah's sight is like the (creation) of Adam. God created Adam from dust, then God said to him: "Be" (a man), he cometh .. (What have we told them), that's true, that comes from your Lord, so do not be among those who doubt. "(Imraan Imran (3): 58-60).
The above hadith indicates that at least there are three criteria that can be used as a measure of Islam or not a person. The main thing is to Allah the One God. This is the teaching of Tawhid.
So far, the Western (Christian) used to categorize the three major world religions are Christianity, Judaism and Islam as monotheistic doctrine. Subjects who also got a nickname of divine religions (religion sky) is considered more 'modern' and height compared to Polytheism old doctrine adopted by many ancient civilizations. Polytheism is the doctrine that assumes that God is more than one. While monotheism is the belief that God's teachings that there is only one.
An intriguing question indeed, how could the Christians could claim that their teachings were teachings of monotheism. While they still think God is three, God has a son, God the father of a child of God, Three in one or any similar term.
"The Jews say: Ezra is the son of God" and the Christians say: Messiah is the son of God. " Such is their saying with their mouths, they imitate the infidels saying earlier. Nati con `Allah is on them: how they got turned away?" (QS.At-Taubah (9): 30)
While Islam strongly condemns such recognition. Allah is the One, Single. He did not have children and not begotten. Nothing like it, there is no accompanying it.
"Say:" He is Allah, the Almighty. God is the God who depend on Him all things. He's also no litter and no begotten and none is equal to Him ". (QS.Al-Ikhlas (112) :1-4).
Back to the hadith above. Christian priests at the time of the Prophet claimed that they were Muslims even before Islam came. What are these priests? Why do they say so? What is a Muslim by them?
Muslims come from the word meaning surrender Salama. It means surrendering to the command of Allah Almighty the Almighty, the Creator who created heaven, earth and everything in between. The prophets and messengers sent by the Creator with the mission, tasks and main responsibilities are the same worship to Him only with no partners to Him with anything. The people here are so-called 'Muslim'.
So if the priests claim that they are Muslims while they continue to say Jesus (Isa) as children of God, is it appropriate as they call themselves Muslims?
"Indeed, there has disbelievers who say: 'Allah is the Messiah son of Mary", whereas The Messiah (himself) said: "O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord," Verily, those who ascribe (something to) Allah, then surely Allah forbid him Paradise, and his place is hell, is not there for people that do wrong helper. Surely those disbelievers who say: "Behold, God one of the three", although occasionally there is no God (which is entitled to worship) other than the One God. If they are not stopped from what they say that, certainly those who disbelieve among them a painful torment will be overwritten. "(QS.Al-anymore (5) :72-73).
"And when Jesus knew their disavowal (Bani Israel), he said:" Who will be my helpers to (enforce) Allah? "The disciples (loyal friends) said:" We are helpers (religion) of Allah. We believe in Allah, and bear witness that we are indeed Muslims (the surrender). " (Imraan Imran (3): 52).
Is Ibrahim. Apostle of God is often referred to as the father of the prophets. Abraham had two wives. The first is Sarah. Rahimnyalah born prophet of peace Isaac, Jacob as the father of prophets. Prophet Jacob, who has another name Israel is the Jewish forefathers. Jacob was born from the line of prophets, including Joseph aces, Musa, as David, Solomon axles, axles and Yahya Isa.
Meanwhile, Siti Hajar, the second wife gave birth to the prophet Ibrahim Ismail aces. From this line of birth that is the only prophet Muhammad is the prophet and apostle of the cover. Muhammad who was sent convey the Koran holy book this came about six centuries after the death of Isa.
"And (remember) when his Lord tested Abraham with a few sentences (commands and prohibitions), and Abraham fulfilled. He said: "Behold, I will make you a priest to the whole man." He said: "(And I beg you, too) from my offspring." He said: "Promise Me (This) is not about those who do wrong". (QS.Al-Baqarah (2): 124)
Funny thing is, Jews and Christians each claim that Abraham is their religion.
"O People of the Book, why do ye dispute about Abraham, when the Torah and the Gospel were not revealed till after him. Do not you think? Here you are, you are (reasonably) argue argue about who you know, then why do ye dispute about the things you do not know?; Allah knows and ye know not. Abraham was not a Jew and not (also) a Christian, but he was a straight-again Muslims (surrender to God) and once he was not included among those polytheists. "(Imraan Imran (3): 65-67).
"And saying that Ibrahim had bequeathed to his children, so O` qub. (He said): "O my sons! Indeed, Allah has chosen this religion for you, ye shall die except in Islam ". (QS.Al-Baqarah (2): 132)
Allah sent the prophets and messengers with the mission and main tasks of the same, ie purifying worship to Him. Remind people that believe in the existence of God the One and submit to Him, that is to become a Muslim.
"Say:" We believe in Allah and to what is revealed unto us and revealed to Abraham, Isma `il, Ishaq, Ya` qub, and her children, and what was given to Moses and Jesus and the prophets of God them. We make no distinction's one difference between them and unto Him we surrender. '(Imraan Imran (3): 84).
Similarly, Musa prophet who is sent to the Jewish people by bringing the Torah, the prophet of peace by bringing the gospel of Jesus warned the Jews not to manipulate and conceal some of the verses of the Torah. While the prophet Muhammad as a prophet sent by express closing Karim Al-Quranul perfected the previous books to all the people at the end of time.
The prophets and messengers were sent to convey this in addition to the revelations of Allah are also assigned to teach, to explain at once exemplifies how the application of these verses. Humans this option is a role model and an exemplary example for all the people who go. Allah Almighty says: "Ta` atilah Allah and His Messenger. "
"Say:" Ta `atilah Allah and His Messenger, if ye turn back, Allah loveth not the disbelievers." (Imraan Imran (3): 32).
"And ta` atilah Allah and His Messenger, that ye may receive mercy ". (Imraan Imran (3): 132).
"People of Noah rejected the messengers. When their brother (Noah) said to them: "Why would you not be cautious? Actually I was a Messenger of trust (which was sent) to you then fear Allah and obey me ". (Obligatory upon Syuara (26) :105-108).
"When their brother Hud said to them:" Why would you not be cautious? Actually I was a Messenger of trust (which was sent) to you then fear Allah, and ta `atlah to me." (Obligatory upon Syuara (26) :124-126).
"When their brother Saleh, said to them:" Why would you not be cautious? Actually I was a Messenger of trust (which was sent) to you then fear Allah and obey me. " (Obligatory upon Syuara (26) :142-144).
"And when Jesus came to bring the information he said:" Verily I come unto you with wisdom and to explain to you some of what you differ about it, so fear Allah and obey (to) me ". (QS.Zukhruf (43): 63).
"O ye who believe (to the apostles), fear Allah and to believe in His Messenger, Allah gives His grace to you in two parts, and make you a light with the light you can walk and He forgives you. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful, "(QS.Al-Hadid (57): 28).
In addition to command-Esa it, it turns out God is also telling people to perform prayers. From the Hadith we learn that the people of the prophet Moses was ordered to perform 50 times a day prayers. In fact it seems the order prayed with particular movements that rose has God taught long ago. Similarly, the command zakat, fasting and even went to the temple pilgrimage in Mecca.
"O Mary, ta` atlah to your Lord, prostrating and bowing `is with people who are bowing` ". (Imraan Imran (3): 43).
"Verily, the home originally built for the (place of worship) of human, is the House that at Bakkah (Mecca) blessed and a guidance for all mankind. Him there are real signs, (in between) maqam Ibrahim; whoever entered it (the House) to amanlah him pilgrims is a human obligation to God, that is (for) people who can afford a trip to the House; Whoever denies (liabilities haji ), Allah is Rich (do not need anything else) from the Worlds. (Imraan Imran (3): 96-97).
"That was a people who have passed away for him what you earned and what you have earned and you will not be asked questions about what coverage they have done." (QS.Al-Baqarah (2): 141).
So God says about Muslims through the verses preceding the Qur'an Noble. So it is our duty as Muslims, the last generation of Muslims who have the honor to receive the holy verses of the Quran through the intercession of the Prophet Muhammad to be His apostles obeyed this ummi.
"Say:" O mankind! I was the messenger of Allah unto you all, that is the God who has dominion of the heavens and the earth there is no god (the right to worship) besides Him, the turning on and off, so believe in Allah and his Prophet, Prophet ummi who believe in Allah and to His sentences (his books) and follow it, that ye may be guided. (QS.Al-Araf (7): 158).
And really lucky the true friends who faithfully adhere to, maintain and protect Rasullullah in various wars that have recorded all the actions and words of the Apostle. Until we are thus living 15 centuries after the death of the Prophet can still adhere to, emulate and imitate how the Prophet as Allah commands Muslims execute ... Allah akbar!
"Those closest to Abraham are those who followed him and this Prophet (Muhammad), and those who believe (to Muhammad), and Allah is the Protector of all those who believe." (Imraan Imran (3): 68).
"Indeed there has been at the (self) that the Messenger of Allah a good role model for you (that is) for those who expect (grace) of God and the (arrival) Day of Resurrection, and he was much mention of God." (QS.Al-Ahzab (33): 21 )
"Say: O People of the Book, let (adhere) to a sentence (decision) that there is no disagreement between us and you, that we do not worship except Allah and we do not associate him with nothing and not (also) some of us make the most of the others as lords besides Allah. If they turn back, say ye: "Bear witness that we are Muslims (who submit to Allah)." (Imraan Imran (3): 64).
"So if they find another religion from the religion of Allah, when unto Him surrender all things in heaven and on earth, whether by love or forced, and they returned only to God." (Imraan Imran (3): 83).
"Surely the religion (which approves) in Allah's sight is Islam. There is no dispute that people have been given the Book, except after knowledge came to them, because of envy (existing) between them. Anyone who disbelieve the revelations of Allah, Allah is swift at reckoning. "(Imraan Imran (3): 19).

Saturday, 17 July 2010


Glory trail PEOPLE IN THE ISLAMIC WORLD HISTORY stage history of struggle of Muslims in the civilized world stage lasts very long approximately 13 centuries, ie since the time of the Prophet leadership in Madienah (622-632M); Rashidun Daulat Period (632-661M); Daulat Umayyad Period (661-750M) and Daulat Abbasid Period (750-1258 AD) until the fall of the caliphate of the Ottoman Empire on 28 Rajab 1342 H or to coincide with the date March 3, 1924 AD, where periods of peak golden glory, and many bore many Muslim scientists caliber which has been incised international works of remarkable and beneficial to mankind that occurred during approximately 700 years, starting from the sixth century AD to 12th century AD During this period, the control of world civilization in the hands of Muslims.

At the time of the Islamic civilization berjayanya search spirit of science is very strong in everyday life. Search the spirit of science evolved into an intellectual tradition has historically started from the understanding (tafaqquh) against the Qur'an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad which was then understood, interpreted and developed by the Companions, Successors, tabi 'Successors and the scholars who came later with reference to the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad.

RASULULLOH ERA SAW (622-632M) AND PERIOD Daulat first four caliphs (632-661 AD)

Prophet Muhammed's success in building the Islamic civilization unequaled in history achieved within a period of 23 years, 13 years of preparation steps on the Mecca period (Makiyyah) and 10-year period Madienah (Madaniyah). 23-year period is a time span of less than one generation, where he has successfully Saw hold power over the nations older at the time, especially the Roman civilization, Persia and Egypt.

A scientist named Dr. French thought. Gustave Le Bone says:
"In a century or three offspring, there is no human nations can make meaningful change. 30 descendants of the French nation or 1000 require the new year can be entered into a society that bercelup France. This is contained in all nations and people, is no exception other than Muslims, since Mohammed El-Apostle already be entered into a new society within one offspring (23 years) that can not be duplicated or done by others. "

Muhammed apostolic period at the end of the period is the peak Madienah (culmination) of Islamic civilization, because that's where the Islamic system perfected and enforced in society, nation and state.

"This day have I perfected your religion for you, and I have both ends meet My favor unto you, and have been Ku-Islam is a religion ridhai for you." (Surat al-anymore paragraph 3).

Generation time is the best generation as Allah Ta'ala says: "You are the best people are born to humans, sent to the ma'ruf, and prevents it from being munkar, and faith in Allah." (Surah Ali Imran verse 110).

Saturday, 10 July 2010

Kabatulloh located medina

Kabah is situated in the city including the wonders of the world's medina, a country full of blessed gathering place for the worldwide Islamic religious pilgrimage

Islamic history is the first time in Indonesia

Islamic history is the first time in IndonesiaDemak empire or the first Islamic kingdom in Java. The kingdom was founded by Raden Patah (1478-1518) in 1478, Raden fracture is the kingdom of Majapahit nobility who served as the duke duchy Bintara, Demak. Prestige of the empire was acquired from Walisanga, which consists of nine people great scholars, preachers of the earliest Muslim island of Java.
For the assistance of other areas that had already embraced Islam as Jepara, Tuban and Gresik, Raden broken as the duke of Islam in Demak decide ties with Majapahit at the time, the Majapahit was in the middle of a very weak condition. With that proclamation, declare independence Radeh Broken Demak and took the title of Sultan Alam Shah Akbar.
In the early 14th century, Lu Yan Emperor of the Ming Dynasty in China sent a daughter to the king of the Majapahit UB V, as a sign of friendship the two countries. Beautiful daughter, and this smart soon gained a special place in the hearts of kings. UB King is subject to all the will of the princess's beauty, to bring a lot of opposition in the palace majapahit. Because the princess has berakidah tawhid. At that time, UB was a consort coming from Champa (now Cambodia), are still relatives of the King of Champa


HISTORY OF ISLAM IN INDONESIA, In the year 30 Hijri or 651 AD, only about 20 years ago of the Prophet's death, the Caliph Uthman ibn Affan RA to send a delegation to China to introduce Islamic Daulah recently stood. In a journey which took four years, the delegates turned out to Uthman had stopped at the islands of the archipelago. Several years later, in 674 AD, the Umayyad dynasty established a trading base on the west coast of Sumatra. This is the first introduction to Islam in the Indonesian population. Since then, Muslim sailors and traders continued to arrive, century after century. They buy agricultural produce from the land of green nan this while preaching.

Islami History

History of Islamic history when the prophet Muhammad left the crowd and retreated to a cave Hirao, where the prophet Muhammad received a revelation